Infant Welfare – Extension No:- 103
Tuesday to Friday – Ellie
Junior Welfare – Extension No:- 200
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday – Veronica
If a child becomes ill during the school day they will be seen by a member of welfare staff.
If your child requires medicine in school. Please see below:-
- The Parent/Carer will need to come into school to complete and sign the relevant disclaimer form supplying details of dosage etc.
- The medication must be clearly marked with the child’s name, class and dosage in the original container from the chemist.
- The medication must be stored in the fridges in medical rooms if needed.
- A named person will be responsible for supervising the child taking the medication; this will usually be the Welfare Assistant.
- Only prescribed medication may be brought into school. Therefore over the counter remedies such as paracetamol (Calpol/Nurofen) and cough medicines should not be brought into school. This also includes cough/throat sweets.
To read the full policy please click here Medicine in School Policy