

The Governing Body

The Governing Body at Eversley work with the school to ensure that children develop and grow a love of learning within a happy supportive school community.

We do this by:

  • Agreeing and championing the school’s vision and strategy
  • Helping to ensure that children make excellent progress by holding the leadership team to account for the performance of the school and performance management of staff.
  • Helping to ensure that the school’s money is well spent.

Please click here to view the Governors’ Annual Statement 2022/2023 . The Governing Body is made up of people representing the groups involved in our school: parents, staff, the Local Authority, and the Community.  The full Governing Body meets termly.  We also have committees (Achievement and Resources committees) of the Governing Body which termly once a term to look more closely at pupil progress, teaching and learning, the school buildings, health and safety, safeguarding and the school’s budget.

We are fortunate to have a Governing Body with a wide variety of skills and interests.

Governor Name Governor Type
Michael Florides Chair of Governing Body
Bambos Charalambous Co-Opted Governor
Wahida Khan Co-Opted Governor
Prafulla Pujara Co-Opted Governor
Samantha Williams Headteacher
Hayley Kirkpatrick Deputy Headteacher
Flora Georgiou Deputy Headteacher
Jale Ratip Staff Governor
Aimee Jacobs Parent Governor
Lucy Turner Parent Governor
Alex Christodoulou Parent Governor




For further information on terms of office, roles and responsibilities please click here Governors – Roles & Responsibilities

         Governor Attendance 2022-2023

Please click here for the Declaration of Business Interests – 2022/2023 for information on each Governor’s business interests, financial interests and roles in other schools.

If you’d like to get in touch with the Governing Body, you can write to the Clerk of the Governing Body c/o the school. Alternatively, please contact the Chair of the Governing Body, Michael Florides C/O (

Please click here to read our Standing Orders Document. Contained in here are details about voting, decisions and meetings, which can also be viewed here.

Finance Information 

To see the financial information about our school, please follow the link here.

We do not have any school employees on a gross annual salary of over £100,000.