Dear Parents/Carers
We warmly welcome you and your children to Eversley Primary School.
When your child joins Eversley, you automatically become members of the EPSA (Eversley Primary School Association). We are a group of parents who volunteer to help raise money so that we can pay for extra resources and experiences for our children.
As a registered charity, we rely completely on volunteers to help organise fundraising events for both children and parents alike. Whilst we have a good level of support, we always need more help and would encourage you as new parents to get involved in our efforts. You don’t need any experience just a willingness to get stuck in and help!
We also ask for parents to become class representatives. The role of the class rep (which can be shared) is to liaise between the EPSA and the parents of the children in your class. It is both enjoyable and rewarding in equal measure, makes a huge difference on the success of our fundraisers and can involve decision making with regards to future events and the allocation of funds.
If you are interested in joining us, or would like to volunteer as your class representative, please drop us a line at
Direct Donations & Gift Aid
You can make one off or regular donations via Parent Pay – Parent Contributions or if you’d prefer you can set up a bank transfer payment to:-
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Eversley Primary School Association
Sort Code: 20-29-81
A/C number: 33255956
If you have donated via Parent Contributions or made a direct donation to Eversley Primary School Association (EPSA) and you are a UK tax payer, please complete the relevant form and return by email to;
For single donations:
For multiple donations:
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