Behaviour & Anti-Bullying

Behaviour Principles

The Governing Body and staff of the school believe that good behaviour is fundamental to success in the classroom for both children and teachers.  Good behaviour results from a well-planned and delivered curriculum that stimulates children to learn, ask questions, debate, and challenge themselves.

Behaviour for learning is behaviour which encourages learning to take place. Good behaviour needs to be taught, modelled and rewarded. Poor or unacceptable behaviour needs to be sanctioned.

Children learn best in an ordered environment. This can be achieved when expectations of learning and behaviour are high and consequences are explicit and applied consistently.

The school recognises that individuals have rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community, the importance of clear and consistent classroom routines which are adhered to and a culture of rewards for success.

Please click on the links below to view our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Strategy.

Anti Bullying Strategy 2023-2024

Behaviour Policy 2023-2024

Please see our Behaviour Rules Booklet that make Eversley the best place to be.


Please click on the link below to view our Parents, Carers, Staff and Visitors Behaviour Expectation Statement for Eversley Primary School

Behaviour Expectations