Pupil Voice

Eversley Parliament


What our school parliament do for our school?

‘Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers.’

Who are we?

Our school parliament is made up of pupils who were elected to represent the views of all pupils and to work with the leadership team to improve our school.

What do we do?

The school held an election, where every child who wanted to be the Prime Minister wrote a speech and presented it to their class and school. The pupils of Eversley then voted using a secret ballot, who they feel would be the best candidate to help lead the school.

The pupils had to ensure that they would follow a set of principles:

  • to act with selflessness
  • to act with integrity
  • to act with objectivity
  • to be open to other suggestions and ideas
  • to act with honesty
  • to develop leadership in the school

 The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers for each key phase, then place the elected pupils from each class into a different cabinet. Below are the cabinets:


Prime Minister & Deputy

Environment & Travel

Finance & Enterprise

Health, Well-Being & Sport

Teaching, Learning & Enrichment


As effective members of the Eversley Parliament they listen to and represent the views of their class and school making sure they get things done!

We make a difference…

In the past few months some of the changes/events we have initiated are:

Achieved the TFL Gold Stars award

-Arranged ‘Walk to school week’ and ‘Cleaner Air Campaign’

-Organised additional clubs-including indoor clubs

– Bought plants and trees to improve the environment

– Taught Reception children different ways to travel to school e.g. scooter and bike day, teaching then how to cross the road

-Newsround weekly reports


-Helped run stalls at the annual fetes

-Second hand uniform sale

– Charity events

-Adopted an animal

-Improved Take 10 ideas

-Improved the playground equipment

– Carried out surveys to improve the school and pupils well-being

Please see the schools’ weekly newsletter, which give regular updates from the school government and cabinets

The Teaching & Learning Cabinet are pleased to share their first ever broadcast of Eversley Newsround.